Sassicaia 2018 750ml
Sassicaia 2018 is a renowned Italian red wine from the Bolgheri DOC region, crafted by Tenuta San Guido. As one of the most prestigious Super Tuscan wines, Sassicaia is a Bordeaux-style blend, predominantly made from Cabernet Sauvignon with a small percentage of Cabernet Franc. The 2018 vintage represents a harmonious balance of fruit, elegance, and structure, benefiting from the unique terroir of Bolgheri. Aged in French oak barrels, this wine showcases the estate's long-standing commitment to quality and innovation, delivering a wine of depth and complexity with the potential to age gracefully.
Tasting Notes:
Appearance: Deep ruby red with violet reflections.
Aroma: A complex and inviting nose, with aromas of blackcurrant, cherry, and plum, layered with notes of tobacco, leather, and hints of spice, earthy undertones, and a subtle touch of vanilla.
Palate: Full-bodied with silky tannins and a well-integrated structure. The wine reveals flavors of ripe dark fruit, such as blackberry and black cherry, alongside hints of cocoa, leather, and a slight herbal touch. The acidity is balanced, providing freshness to the wine.
Finish: A long, persistent finish with a fine balance between the rich fruit, oak, and mineral notes, leaving a lasting impression of elegance and depth.